Indiana Michigan Power Increasing Rebates July 1st

On July 1st, Indiana Michigan Power will be changing its program to offer more incentives for the remainder of the year. If you’ve been holding off on a lighting, VFD or compressed air project, now is the time to get it started before funding is depleted! The following increases to their prescriptive program can be found below:

  1. Fluorescent to LED tubes (T5, T8, T12s) will return to the 2019 rebate level (to approx. $3/4 for T8 & $5/$6 for T12, etc.) and we have eliminated the Incremental Cost Test. So, what’s listed on our Fact sheet will be the expected rebate level.
  2. Pre-approval for Prescriptive will increase from $5,000 to $10,000, alleviating the burden for pre-approval on Prescriptive Projects under $10K in rebates.
  3. HID to LEDs will return to the 2019 rebate levels (based on wattage, ranging from approx.. $30-$115 for interior and $55 – $230 for exterior) and will be in the Prescriptive Program.
  4. VFDs up to 100HP will be moved to Prescriptive making it easier to apply for rebates and eliminating much of the data gathering requirements.
  5. Custom Non-lighting incentives will increase to $.08/kWh saved, making Compressed air projects much more attractive.
  6. Custom lighting incentives will increase to $.07/kWh saved, making lighting projects much more attractive.

If you have questions or would like to learn more about how ROI Energy Investments, LLC can help you receive these rebates, contact us at 920-615-1838.