Focus On Energy Offering BOC Webinar with Full Tuition Reimbursement

If anyone is looking to get their Building Operator Certification, Focus on Energy is offering two BOC webinar series this spring. They are listed below:

  • BOC Level I: Building System Maintenance
    March 9, 2022 – June 9, 2022 
    Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8am-11am Central Time 
  • BOC Multifamily: Building Systems Maintenance
    March 16th – June 9th, 2022 

    Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9am-12pm Central Time | $150


Focus on Energy is a BOC partner in Wisconsin and they are offering a limited number of full tuition reimbursement for students who complete a training series listed below. If you work in a building that is serviced by a participating utility and complete one of these series then you may qualify for a full-tuition reimbursement when you earn the Training Certificate of Completion (TCOC). Tuition reimbursement is available first-come, first-served so register early to ensure your eligibility.
Check back later in the year as they may offer tuition reimbursement for an additional class in the fall.”


Visit this link to register: