10 Utilities with High HVAC Incentives

Last week we published an article about 10 utilities with high lighting incentives. This week, we are letting you know about 10 utilities with high HVAC incentives!


There are hundreds of utilities across the US and each program takes valuable time to learn and understand. At ROI Energy Investments, we take the time for you to research the rebates and help you understand the process from beginning to end. We also offer consulting, incentive reports, assessments and other services! If you would like to learn more about how we can help you with all of your energy efficiency needs, call “your energy rebate specialist” at 920-615-1838.


Have a great day and stay safe!


EnergizeCT (CT): https://www.energizect.com/your-business/solutions-list/Cool-Choice-Rebate

Unitary & Split System: $50 – $120 per ton

Air Source Heat Pump: $70 – $150 per ton


Xcel Energy (MN): https://www.xcelenergy.com/programs_and_rebates/business_programs_and_rebates/equipment_rebates/hvac-r

DX units (Condensing, Rooftop or Split Systems): $50+ per ton

Variable Frequency Drives: $400 – $8,000 depending on HP


NYSEG (NY): https://www.nyseg.com/wps/portal/nyseg/saveenergy/businesssolutions/commercialandindustrialrebates/

Split or Packaged AC and Heat Pump Systems: $40 – $150 per ton

VFD for HVAC Fans and Pumps: $40 – $60 per HP


Riverside Public Utilities (CA): http://riversidepublicutilities.com/businesses/rebates-energy.asp

Air Conditioning: $150 – $300 per ton

HVAC Tune-up: $10 per ton


PNM (NM): https://www.pnmenergyefficiency.com/projects62/Default.aspx?tabid=1642

Unitary & Split Air Conditioning Systems: $25 – $40 per ton

Air Source Heat Pumps: $40 – $55 per ton


Duke Energy (NC/SC/IN): https://www.duke-energy.com/business/products/smartsaver/hvac-incentives

Air Conditioners: $17 – $113 per ton

Cool Roof: $0.10 per sq. ft.


IPL (IN): https://www.iplpower.com/Ways_to_Save/Business/Rebates/Prescriptive_Rebates/

Central Air Unit Incentives (rooftop and unitary AC and heat pumps): $35 – $50 per ton

Variable Frequency Drives: $60 per HP


Potomac Edison (MD): http://energysavemd-business.com/heating-ventilation-and-air-conditioning

Air Conditioning (AC) only – all sizes: $200 per ton

Variable Frequency Drive: (1 -100 HP) $500 – $5,000 each

Variable Frequency Drive: (100-200 HP) $50 per HP


Rocky Mountain Power (UT): https://www.rockymountainpower.net/savings-energy-choices/business/wattsmart-efficiency-incentives-utah/ut-incentive-lists/ut-hvac.html

Air Conditioner and Heat Pumps: $25 – $75 per ton

Variable Frequency Drives: $65 per HP


Focus on Energy (WI): https://www.focusonenergy.com/business#program-catalogs-applications

Air Conditioning – Split & Packaged Systems: $25/ton + $5/ton per 1.0 IEER over minimum

Variable Frequency Drives: $35 per HP